Nudge's targeted adverts will influence customers to visit and spend at your business more often, keeping your customers loyal without any major effort from yourself, because it's so easy to set up and use!
Just give Nudge a list of your competitors' postcodes and you can sit back whilst it learns about and predicts your customers’ lifestyle. After a couple of months Nudge knows exactly where, when and how often your customers go out, all thanks to GPS technology!
Unlike most location aware programs, Nudge throws away most of the
location information it receives. What it does keep is kept anonymous,
it does not and cannot leave the customer’s phone. It analyses this location
information to see how often they visit a given competitor, using their postcode and most
importantly how often they spend with you!
Nudge then 'decides' if your customer matches one of three customer loyalty types:
You can target a unique (i.e. different) pre-arranged advert for each of the above
types 1-3. The advert that is then displayed at the most opportune moment to influence
your customer’s spending decision and their chosen destination.
How does Nudge Intervention actually work? It follows the following programming rules whilst the customer's phone is active.